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XMLBEZ-02-0000-0D00V340F | XMLBEZ-02-0000-0D00V340F (pdf) |
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Product family data sheet XM-L2 LEDs Product Description The XLamp XM-L2 EasyWhite LED eliminates chromaticity binning and enables luminaire and bulb manufacturers to deliver the consistent color and high efficacy light output of a LED in the compact XM-L footprint. XLamp XM-L2 EasyWhite LEDs can reduce LED-to-LED color variation to within a MacAdam ellipse, 94% smaller than the total area of the corresponding ANSI C78.377 color region. The XLamp XM-L2 EasyWhite LED is the perfect choice for lighting applications where high luminous flux output is required from a single, small point source. Example applications include LED retrofit bulbs, commercial/retail display spotlights, and other indoor applications. • Available in 4-step and 2-step EasyWhite bins at 2700 K, 3000 K, 3500 K, 4000 K, 5000 K CCT, ANSI white bins at 5700 K, 6500 K • Wide range of operating current up to 2 A 6 V or 1 A 12 V • 85 °C binning and characterization • Available in and versions • Low thermal resistance °C/W • Wide viewing angle 115° • Wide variety of CRI choices: standard CRI as well as 80- & CRI • Electrically neutral thermal path • Unlimited floor life at 30 ºC/85% RH • Reflow solderable - JEDEC Table of Contents 2 Flux Characteristics, Standard Order Codes and Bins, 6-V 3 Flux Characteristics, Standard Order Codes and Bins, 12-V 5 Relative Spectral Power 8 Relative Flux vs. Junction 8 Electrical Characteristic.................... 9 Relative Flux vs. Current................ 10 Relative Chromaticity vs. Current and Temperature........................... 11 Typical Spatial Distribution.............. 12 Thermal Design............................. 12 Performance Groups Brightness.... 13 Performance Groups Chromaticity. 13 Cree EasyWhite Bins Plotted on the 1931 CIE Color Space.................... 14 Cree’s Standard Cool White Kits Plotted on ANSI Standard Chromaticity Regions..................... 15 Cree ANSI White Bins Plotted on the 1931 CIE Color Space.................... 15 Bin and Order Code Format............. 16 Reflow Soldering Characteristics...... 17 18 Mechanical Dimensions.................. 19 Tape and Reel............................... 20 21 CCooppyyrriigghhtt 22001140 CCrreeee,, IInncc.. AAllll rriigghhttss rreesseerrvveedd.. TThhee iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn iinn CthreeeC,rteheeloCgreoe, Carrekes,oIfnCc.ree, Inc. Cree, Inc. 4600 SiliCcroene,DIrnivce. D4u6rh0a0mS,iliNcoCn2D77ri0v3e USA TelD u+r1h.a9m19, .N3C132.7573030 USA Twewl:w+.c1r.e9e1.9c.o4m07/x.5la3m00p Characteristics xlamp xm-l2 easywhite leds Unit °C/W degrees mV/°C mV/°C V mA V °C Minimum Typical 115 -5 -10 Maximum 8000 2000 1000 150 Copyright 2010 Cree, Inc. All rights reserved. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Cree, the Cree logo and XLamp are registered trademarks oCfopCyrerieg,hItn c. 2014 Cree, Inc. All rights reserved. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. the Cree logo, and are registered trademarks of Cree, Inc. xlamp xm-l2 easywhite leds Flux Characteristics, Standard Order Codes and Bins, 6-V 700 mA, Tj = 85 °C The following table provides the order codes for 6-volt XLamp XM-L2 EZW LEDs. Color CCT Range Base Order Codes Min. Luminous Flux 700 mA 2-Step Order Code Group Flux lm 85 °C Flux lm 25 °C* Chromaticity Region XMLBEZ-00-0000-0B00U650H 4-Step Order Code Chromaticity Region XMLBEZ-00-0000-0B00U650F 5000 K V2 |
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